Trusted Touch® Diploma Course
Become a Certified Trusted Touch® Practitioner
“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.”
― John Joseph Powell
Trusted Touch is an independent training, membership and accreditation body for Trusted Touch practitioners. We provide support and guidance to therapeutic touch professionals and to the public, with particular reference to education, research and training. We work extensively on promoting Trusted Touch as a valuable holistic therapy modality, and promote best practice for Trusted Touch practitioners. We are passionate about the power of touch as therapy, and we have a wealth of experience which we share with other professionals to increase awareness of the use of Trusted Touch.
Trusted Touch is the only therapist organisation to offer a professionally accredited course in using platonic touch as a holistic therapy, with access to professional insurance cover for your Trusted Touch practice.
Who uses a Trusted Touch practioner?
Our client demographic is very wide. Early-20's to seniors, those between-partners and those who have lost their partners, ex-servicemen and women, those who live alone, the disabled, the marginalised and the medically fragile and terminally ill. Some people who are on their own don't often - or ever - get the opportunity to touch and be touched in a meaningful way.
Your time can make a significant difference in people's lives. Providing compassionate, consensual and empathic touch to those who are touch-deprived, isolated, elderly, disabled, medically fragile or at the end stages of their life is achieved through the efforts of ordinary people that do extraordinary things. Our therapists are the heart and soul of our organisation. They have profound sense of compassion, wanting to share their gift of touch with others. There is nothing more rewarding than to provide comfort and care to individuals who are lonely, sick or isolated. If you feel called to this work, we would love you to join our caring community. Trusted Touch is the only training, certification and membership body for those wishing to become a Trusted Touch practitioner.
Do you want to become a Trusted Touch practitioner? You should be tactile, warm, empathic, understanding and non-judgmental.
Trusted Touch Essentials:
The Trusted Touch training programme is designed to teach the skills needed to be a loving presence to someone who needs touch. Participants learn a mindful, compassionate approach to providing consensual, caring touch. Our training is ideal for certified massage therapists, body workers, medically licensed healthcare professionals, chaplains, caregivers and family members, preparing them to provide therapeutic touch in an ethical and responsible way.
No prior massage or medical experience is needed to enrol in the Trusted Touch training programme. However, hospices and hospitals may require you to hold a certified massage qualification school, medical license or credential, doctor, nurse, occupational or physical therapist or some other license to touch in order to volunteer.
Introduction to Trusted Touch
Trusted Touch Philosophy
The Science of Touch
Action: Is the Glass of Water Hot or Cold?
Result: What Happened?
Action: Two-Point Discrimination
Result: What Happened?
Module 1 Quiz
Touch In Infancy
Touch Beyond Infancy
Aggression in Children
Human Touch and Seniors
Module 2 Quiz
Appropriate Touch and Body Language
The Seven Types of Touch
Module 3 Quiz
Touch and Healing
Module 4 Quiz
Disconnect to Reconnect
Men and Touch Isolation
Touch and Technology
Module 5 Quiz
The Trusted Touch Protocols
Trusted Touch as Therapy
Holding a Space for Your Client
Module 6 Quiz
Trusted Touch: Definition and Guildelines
Boundaries and Consent
Transference and Triggers in Therapy
The Wheel of Consent
Wheel of Consent Chart
Wheel of Consent 3 Minute Game
Module 7 Quiz
Communication Skills
Empathy or Sympathy?
Module 8 Quiz
Using Attentive Touch
Module 9 Quiz
Working with the Medically Fragile and Terminally Ill
Working with Alzheimer's and Dementia
Working Around Wheelchairs and Beds
Your Professional Environment
Module 8 Quiz
Personal Safety and Security
Module 14 Quiz
Terms, Client Contract and Waiver
Sample Trusted Touch Consent Form
Module 15 Quiz
Professional Insurance
Module 16 Quiz
Handling Media Interest
Module 17 Quiz
Business Basics and Marketing
Module 18 Quiz
Module 19: Trusted Touch How-To's
Recommended Reading
Claire Mendelsohn
Do you have the qualities it takes to become a certified Trusted Touch practitioner?